
Sunday, January 15, 2012

cold sweat

heart's pounding
hands icy and clammy
hair's standing straight up from his fingers constantly nagging and pulling at it
pillows are thrown around the room
the air is heavy

what's going on?! is what you're probably wondering to yourself...

a fight? a terrible injury, perhaps?

Yeah.. no...

the 49ers are playing...

and the score is ... well i'm really not quite sure about that- but let me tell you it was intense

Let me rephrase that, everything involving Jory and the t.v. was intense. That poor guy was on a emotional roller coaster, screaming, laughing and at times seriously almost in tears. I wish I could have recorded it, because it was possibly one of the funniest things I've ever seen.
At first I was thinking I needed to call someone to find out if this was healthy, his hands were seriously ice cold from all that football drama. I get pretty into my t.v. shows.. but nothing like this! What is it about sports that turns our men into junkies?! Ha ha.
I was making dinner in the kitchen while he was watching and I would just stand there in awe while he'd be jumping- gripping pillows and lifting them up and down over his head. Please tell me you can picture this.
He tries to teach me the rules of the game and bless his little soul he's so patient with me. I really don't mind watching football though, I can honestly say I can sit through a whole game with him... if it's at our house, and the 49ers are playing, and Jory acts the way he did last night, I could be entertained all day!

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